Celebrating the Feeding Families 5K

The Feeding Families 5K continues Rainier Valley Food Bank’s mission to provide families in South Seattle with fresh, healthy food.


Our previous 1,200 sq ft location left us with limited capacity, making it challenging to keep up with the growing demand. In January, we moved 5 kilometers south to our new location in Rainier Beach. To honor our move, nearly 20 community members joined our Feeding Families 5K, helping to celebrate the many different families we feed, including multigenerational families, the found families formed in senior living facilities, and among our unhoused guests. 


Thank you to everyone who contributed to our first-ever virtual 5K's success, helping us raise $7,433. One of the many highlights of the Feeding Families 5K was the recognition of our longtime volunteer, LA, featured as a part of the Heroes Uncovered series, filmed, and produced by the Click & Pledge Foundation. He actively feeds families by volunteering with the Grocery Rescue Program, assisting with our in-person shopping program, and helping connect new community members to the food bank. His bright and welcoming personality continues to bring our community closer together.


Once again, thank you to everyone who participated in the Feeding Families 5K. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated. We would also like to thank our partner Columbia Bank for sponsoring this event. If you are looking for another way to get involved with the food bank this July, consider joining the Food Fight by dining at local participating restaurants.


Summer Fun in Rainier Valley


Chicken Parmesan