Gloria Hatcher-Mays


Executive Director

Do you recognize her face? You may have caught a glimpse of her on Family Feud, where she was a contestant! 

Meet our Executive Director, Gloria! She's the one who's been keeping everything afloat since 2019, and we've only continued to grow since! 

Otherwise known as our "den mother," Gloria is passionate about connecting with community members and partners to ensure programs at RVFB have the support they need to thrive. In Gloria's words, the people Rainier Valley Food Bank attracts keep her passionate. She admires their magic and mutual love for the community! 

If you're looking for a spot to grab a bite in Beacon Hill, Gloria recommends trying her go-to restaurant, Dim Sum House. Of course, a trip to her favorite drive-through, Taco Time, might be more likely on her busier days. 

In her free time, you'll likely find Gloria taking a horseback ride, spending quality time with her two grandchildren, and possibly snacking on her favorite snack, Cheeze-Its! 

If you're looking for a way to get involved, Gloria suggests donating your time with us or checking out RVFB's Amazon wish list to help us meet our community's current needs. 


Otis Pimpleton