Chloe Finkenbine


Food Delivery Program Coordinator

If you’re involved with our Home Delivery Program, you’ve probably met Chloe – she’s the one who routes our drivers and keeps everything running! Speaking of which, if you’re out delivering a route and are looking for a place to grab a quick bite, Chloe says you can’t miss Taqueria Costa Alegre, where they whip up super tasty burritos out of a converted bus, just a block away from the food bank.  

Chloe recently moved to Seattle from Minneapolis and has spent their time seeing local bands with friends, thrifting, and playing board games – if you’re looking for a new one to try Chloe suggests Oath, Roots, and Clank, a few of their personal favorites.  

Chloe has a hot tip, if you’re looking for suggestions of what to donate to the food bank, “cooking oil is always a hot item!” 


Kaitlyn Davidson