How to Wear a Face Mask

A local South Seattle Girl Scout made this video for Rainier Valley Food Bank to train and educate our volunteers about mask use during COVID.

Her goal is to help get the facts straight about masks and get this info out to the public as much as possible. A word from this amazing Girl Scout, Zoe …

My father is a Medical Doctor. When the pandemic started, he and his partners were asked to close their office for several weeks. When he re-opened to see patients needing urgent care, my mom and I were worried. When he came home after his first day back at work, we asked him how it went. He told us that many of his patients either didn’t have masks, or were wearing them incorrectly. 

I had been working on a Girl Scout community service project, but it got put on hold because of COVID. I told my mom I wanted to switch my project so I could make masks for my dad’s patients. She agreed to help, and we started researching patterns and sewing masks that Friday night. We both spent 20 hours that weekend sewing masks so my dad would have a bunch to take to work with him on Monday. 

Because my dad said people didn’t wear the masks correctly, I did some research and made a handout to go with each of the masks that his patients would get. It felt good to send my dad to work with a big pile of masks. 

Later that week, my neighbors saw my family with our masks and asked us to make some for them. I realized that many of my neighbors might need them too, so my mom and I kept sewing and I distributed them. Then we heard that the Rainier Valley Food Bank needed masks for their volunteers. I knew my mom and I couldn’t keep sewing masks for my dad and our neighbors and family, AND make enough masks for the food bank. We sent a message to neighbors on our street to see if we could find one more person to help us make 50 masks in one week – SIX neighbors replied, and we made 70 masks in three days! Since then, we’ve sewn and given 165 masks to the food bank, and I made this video for them to use for their new online volunteer training program. In addition to the 165 masks that have gone to the food bank, we’ve distributed 280 masks to my dad’s patients, and to our neighbors and family. 

Huge thanks to Zoe Weingeist for making this pertinent info about wearing masks accessible and easily digestible for our community!


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Social Justice = Food Justice