Are You Ready For GiveBIG?

It’s that time of year again, when the people of King County have an opportunity to join together and make a hugely positive impact. It’s easy to wonder “How can I as one person make any change?” When you give, your dollar will be combined with thousands of others to build healthier communities in our region. Together we can make an impact.

What is GiveBIG?

GiveBIG is a one-day online giving event where anyone can become an agent of change.  This is The Seattle Foundation’s sixth year organizing GiveBIG, which has gathered more than $56 million to be invested in communities throughout Seattle & King County.

Who participates in GiveBIG?

Organizations – Thousands of small and large organizations throughout King County participate in GiveBIG!

Donors – Anyone can donate and become a change-maker, including YOU! Last year nearly 40,000 individuals became GiveBIG donors and invested in the future of our amazing region.

What makes GiveBIG donations to RVFB special?

GiveBIG is one of RVFB’s greatest fundraisers, bringing in critical donations that propel programs to ensure everyone in southeast Seattle has access to food.  All donations made through GiveBIG will be stretched by 8.5-11% by The Seattle Foundation’s matching funds.  This means your money will be boosted to purchase even more nutritious foods for our community.

This seems like a no-brainier! How do I make a donation?

Welcome to the movement! It is true, if you have been wanting to support Rainier Valley Food Bank in making healthy foods accessible for hungry neighbors, then GiveBIG is the best time to do it. You will be able to schedule your GiveBIG donation ahead of time or set a reminder and donate the day of!


Happy Birthday to Us!


Boy Meets Food Bank